Usage reports
This feature is available for teams using Tabnine Enterprise (private installation). When using the Tabnine Enterprise (SaaS) option, the customer admin receives periodic reports via email. For more details, contact your Tabnine account manager.
Take a look at the Reports Glossary to learn about terminology and definitions.
Tabnine Enterprise (private installation) usage reports
Tabnine Enterprise admins can access usage reports for their teams.
These reports provide insights into the team members' onboarding status, usage volumes, and additional data.
Usage reports are available on the admin level. The rest of the Tabnine team has no access to the usage data. However, a team admin can export the report from the Tabnine admin console as CSV files and share them with the rest of the team if they wish.
Reports can be viewed for the entire organization or a specific team.
There are two types of reports:
Visual usage reports in the Tabnine management console
You can schedule sending the CSV-based usage report by email.
Visual usage reports
These reports have been available since version 5.7.0.
Go to the Tabnine management console and sign in as an admin.
Usage reports can be found on different pages:
Analytics / Overview: High-level usage overview and activity trend charts
Analytics / Usage: For more detailed usage reports for the entire organization or a specific team
Analytics / Usage per User: For a usage overview per user in the organization or a specific team
Additionally, you can view other reports on the following pages:
User Management reports: High-level view of and insights into how many users have successfully onboarded Tabnine
Settings / License Utilization: Shows the current and historical account utilization
Overview page
The overview contains a high-level overview and activity trends in your account:
The useful chat consumption data, which is part of the Total Usage and Chat Usage data, has been collected since version 5.6.0.
[1] Population and timeframe filters
The displayed data can be adjusted by:
Population: The entire organization (default) or a specific team
Timeframe: 12 weeks (default), 12 months, or 12 days
[2] Overview metrics
Registered Users: The current number of Registered Users out of the total licenses available for this account (this number does not change for a specific team)
Active users: The total number of users that have actively used Tabnine from the given population in the given timeframe
Total Usage: The number of code completions and useful chat interactions performed by the population in the given timeframe
Automation Factor: The code completion's automation factor for the given population in the given timeframe (available when there is enough code completion activity)
[3] Active user trend chart
Displays the total number of active users per day/week/month from the given population in the given timeframe
[4] Total usage trend chart
Displays the total usage (code completions and useful chat interactions) per day/week/month from the given population in the given timeframe
Usage page
The Usage page contains more detailed usage reports and insights for the entire organization:
[1] Population filter
The displayed data can be adjusted by population: The entire organization (default) or a specific team.
[2] Monthly accepted lines of code trend chart
The total number of lines of code in accepted code completions or useful chat interactions (that involved coping code) performed by the selected population
Note: The lines of code chart have been available since version 5.8.0. The lines of code data has been collected since version 5.7.0
[3] Useful chat interactions by consumption type
Display the distribution of useful chat interactions by consumption type (how did the users consume the chat answers) in the last 30 days.
Note: The data for this chart has been collected since version 5.7.0
[4] Chat interactions by trigger
Display the distribution of chat interactions by interaction trigger (Free text prompt or built-in command) in the last 30 days.
Usage per User page
The Usage per User page contains a usage overview per user in the organization or team:
Account utilization history
Include the account utilization for the current as well as previous months:
Introduced in version 5.6.0, Moved under the Analytics menu in version 5.8.0
The data for the current month is not final. The data for previous months is final.
Registered users (throughout the month)
The total number of different users who registered throughout the month, including users who were deactivated by the end of the month
Registered users (end of month)
The total number of registered users at the end of the month
Deactivated users (end of month)
The total number of deactivated users at the end of the month
Users with pending invitations (end of month)
The total number of invited users at the end of the month
Learn more about user status. In this context, Registered users are users in the status Registered, Connected, or Used.
User Management report
The User Management page lets the admin monitor the number of users who were invited, registered, connected to the IDE, and started using Tabnine. It also helps the admin find users who have not yet successfully onboarded. Learn more about the different statuses and flows in Tabnine.
[1] Team filter
The displayed data can be adjusted by population: The entire organization (default) or a specific team.
[2] Funnel Overview
Licenses: The total number of the licenses in the account (does not change for a specific team)
Registered: The total number of the current registered users: (Status=Registered, Connected, or Used)
Used: The total number of users who have ever used Tabnine (i.e., users who have completed at least one code completion or chat interaction, Status=Used)
[3] Onboarding gaps overview and filters
This section shows different onboarding gaps, meaning the number of users is not in the Used status yet. Each label focuses on different onboarding statuses, letting the admin know how to guide these users towards using Tabnine.
These labels are status filters; the admin can click (or unclick it) to see only specific users.
Invited, not yet registered (Status=Invited): These users should accept their email invitation and sign up for Tabnine. The admin can resend them an invitation as a reminder.
Registered, not yet connected (Status=Registered): These users should install and connect to Tabnine in their IDEs.
Connected, haven't yet used (Status=Used): These users should be able to use Tabnine. The admin may offer them some training material to make sure they are set for success.
[4] Users list
The Users list shows the users adjusted by the team or onboarding status filters.
Each user appears with their email, team, role, status, and last seen.
Status: Invited, Registered, Connected, Used, or Deactivated. Learn more
Last seen: Is defined as follows for each status:
Invited: Since the email invitation
Registered: Since the signup date
Connected: Since the last time the user was connected to the IDE
Used: Since the deactivation date
The admin can perform different actions on the displayed users:
Assign to an Admin or Member role
Resend or revoke an email invite
Last updated
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