Tabnine teams

After installing the Tabnine Enterprise Server, the next step will be to onboard your colleagues and teammates so they can start using Tabnine.

Tabnine Teams

Tabnine's authorization system is based on different teams within your organization. A team is a group of users who are using Tabnine.

On installation, your organization will already have one default team, but you can create multiple teams according to your organizational structure.

Why use different teams?

  1. The team structure makes it easier to manage Tabnine authorization within your organization. We recommend creating the teams according to your organizational structure to allow for better control.

  2. A team is also a unit of measure for monitoring Tabnine's performance within your organization.

Onboarding a team

To permit teammates to access Tabnine, they must receive an invitation to become authorized users. This approach is designed to prevent unauthorized usage of Tabnine and enables administrators to ensure it reaches the intended audience.

There are 2 ways to onboard new users to Tabnine:

  1. Via the link in an email invitation

  2. Via an invitation link

As mentioned previously, Tabnine's default installation already contains your default team. If you don't require additional teams, you can skip the next section (Managing teams) and skip straight to the Inviting users to your organization article where both invitation options are covered at length.

Managing teams

Creating a team To create a new team (Admin or Manager role):

  1. Navigate to Teams & Members

  2. Click Create new team on the top right-hand corner of the screen

  3. At the bottom of the Teams dropdown menu, click Create new team

Edit a team name or Delete a team

To edit or delete/remove a team, click the edit/trash bin icon next to the team's name in the Teams dropdown.

Important note about team deletion

  1. Only Admins can delete teams.

  2. Deleting a team will remove the team and disband all the current team users.

For users of the removed team to continue using Tabnine, they'll have to receive and accept another invitation and select their team to join.

For more details on how to invite users to a team, see Inviting users to your organization.

Viewing users who are not assigned to a team

Some users are not assigned to a team, which can happen after a team admin removes a user from a team or deletes a team.

Users who aren't part of a team can't work with Tabnine until they join a new team.

To view these users, go to the Teams page and select the Not assigned to a team option in the Team dropdown:

Last updated