Tabnine update guide

Upgrading to 5.x from a prior version

Upgrading to version 5.x from earlier version includes few breaking changes, and key decisions you need to take. Please read thoroughly before proceeding with the upgrade procedure

Network policy defaults

To streamline installation and onboarding, strict network policy is now disabled by default. However, if you're upgrading from a version before 5.x and want to maintain the previous strict policy, add these definitions to your values.yaml file:

global: #under existing section
    enabled: true

Important: If you upgrade without adding the above definitions to your values.yaml file, the Tabnine Enterprise Server may operate with a less restrictive network policy, potentially impacting its overall security. To ensure the highest level of security, please make the necessary additions to your values.yaml file before proceeding with the upgrade.

Open Registration mode

Tabnine now offers open-registration for a smoother onboarding experience. This means any user can sign up and join a default team without needing email invitations or invitation links.

If you're upgrading from a version before 5.x and want to maintain the previous invitation-based model, please add these definitions to your values.yaml file before upgrading:

auth: #under existing section
  noInvitationRequired: false

Key decision: If you upgrade without adding the definitions to values.yaml, users will be able to self-register for Tabnine without requiring admin invitations. If this aligns with your needs, no action is required. However, if you prefer to maintain the previous invitation-based model, please make the necessary changes to values.yaml before upgrading.

Important: the value modifications/additions should be done in the existing sections of your values.yaml. having duplicate sections in the values.yaml may cause unexpected behaviors.

Summary - Putting it together

Here's a summary of the required additions to your values.yaml file before upgrading to version 5.x, assuming you have an existing installation of an earlier version

    enabled: true
  noInvitationRequired: false

Last updated