CSV-based reports V1 (Depracted since version 5.7.0
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For CSV-based reports for version 5.7.0 or higher, click here
This feature is available for teams using Tabnine Enterprise (private installation). When using the Tabnine Enterprise (SaaS) option, the customer admin receives periodic reports via email. For more details, contact your Tabnine account manager.
You can schedule sending the CSV-based usage report by email.
Tabnine Enterprise admins can export CSV-based usage reports for their teams.
The admin can export reports for the entire organization or a specific team. The organization-level report also includes separate reports for each team.
Go to the Tabnine management console and sign in as an admin.
Select the scope for the reports: All Teams (organization level) or a specific team.
Click Export usage report for all teams (or a specific team).
A .zip file of the reports will be downloaded that contains the specific report's CSV files. The All Teams Report also includes a team folder with a separate .zip file for each team:
This report provides information regarding the onboarding of each user in the team (installation and completions/chat activities), allowing you to detect any onboarding issues.
The report includes:
User email
Onboarding status For each user who installed and logged in, one of the following statuses can apply:
The user has been invited to the team by email but has not yet accepted the invitation.
The user has signed up for the system (after accepting an invitation or otherwise).
The user installed the extension and logged in as a team member of a specific team, but no completions or chat activity has been recorded.
One or more successful chat interactions occurred or one or more code suggestions were provided.
No chat interactions occurred and no code suggestions were provided.
The user has completed five or more successful chat interactions or 15 or more code completions were accepted.
Fewer than five chat interactions occurred or fewer than 15 code completions were accepted.
Successful chat interactions: The number of successful chat interactions
Successful completion interactions: The number of successful code completion interactions
This report is at the organization level only.
This report can help identify users with an incomplete setup, specifically those not assigned to a team and therefore unable to use Tabnine.
The report contains a list of all users in the organization, with the following details for each:
Current team or "Unassigned"
Role (Member or Admin)
Verified or unverified (didn't complete email verification)
Registered or Deactivated:
Registered ("deactivated=false" ): The user has signed up to Tabnine and has access to Tabnine.
Deactivated ("deactivated=true"): The user had been registered in the past but has been deactivated since by a team admin; The user no longer has access to Tabnine.
*Note: In this case, "Registered("deactivated=false" ) does not mean actively using Tabnine.
In version 5.6.0 the column marking registered/deactivated was renamed, and the values were changed accordingly:
Registered: changed from ("active=true") to ("deactivated=false" )
Deactivated: changed from ("active=false") to ("deactivated=true" )
This report contains the overall high-level metrics for all the users in your organization (or team), including:
Total number of accepted code completions
Total number of completed characters
Total number of chat interactions
These reports allow you to monitor your organization/team activity by providing:
Active users in the organization/team
Accepted code completions
Chat interactions
You can view this data by day (daily_stats.csv) or by month (monthly_stats.csv.csv).
5) Used programming language distribution (count_of_users_for_language.csv)
This report contains the distribution of users per programming language.
6) Used IDE distribution (users_ide_breakdown.csv)
This report contains the distribution of users per IDE.
7) Daily team completions by IDE language (selection_by_language.csv)
This report contains the total number of accepted code completions and completed characters, for the whole team, per language, per day.
8) Daily team completions by IDE (selection_by_ide.csv)
This report contains the total number of accepted code completions and completed characters, for the whole team, per IDE, per day.
9) Chat intents (chat_intents.csv)
This report contains the total number of chat interactions for the entire team, by intent type, over the last 30 days and overall.
10) Chat weekly active users (chat_weekly_new_users.csv)
This report contains the number of unique users actively using chat per week.
11) Chat weekly new users (chat_weekly_active_users.csv.csv)
This report contains the number of unique users who actively used Tabnine Chat for the first time, per week.
This report contains the usage statistics for each user and is available with data for the last 30 days (users.csv) or with all recorded data (all_times_users_records.csv).
This report includes per-user data such as:
The total number of completions and completed characters
Programming languages
The total number of chat interactions
13) User language usage (users_language_usage.csv)
This report contains the total number of code completions and completed characters per language, per user.