Setting the available AI models for chat

Tabnine offers different AI Models for Tabnine Chat. Tabnine Enterprise admins (in Tabnine SaaS) control which models are available to the users in their organization according to organization. By default only the Tabnine Protected model is available. The admin can enable other models:

  • Tabnine + Mistral

  • GPT 3.5 Turbo

  • GPT 4.0 Turbo

Note: Tabnine's code completions only use the Tabnine Universal code completions model which is both private and protected.

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Setting the available chat AI models


If this functionality is not visible, we recommend contacting your dedicated account manager at Tabnine. They will assist you in setting the available chat AI models for your team.

  1. Sign in to Tabnine's Admin console.

  2. Go to the Models page under Settings

  1. Select the models that you want to enable for your team (you can select more than one) by enabling the toggle button and accepting the legal terms.

  2. The changes will apply immediately and the end users of your team will be able to choose from these available model.

Last updated