What's new? (January 2024)

December 31, 2023

Tabnine Chat's user experience improvement

CodeLens for Chat

CodeLens functionality was implemented for VS Code/JB, which allows function-scoped quick actions to generate tests or documentation, explain code, or ask a question.

References box

A References box has been added to chat responses, highlighting relevant code locations related to responses.


A "diff-view" was added to make it easier and faster to understand and work with the chat response.

Enhanced Enterprise reporting and monitoring capabilities

New reporting features

  • Chat usage and insights

  • Revised onboarding reports

  • Additional reports on private installation

New monitoring features

  • A built-in option for log aggregation was added to the Tabnine server to simplify troubleshooting and monitoring.

Increased context-awareness for Tabnine in Jupyter Notebooks

We’ve made an exciting enhancement to the Tabnine plugin for Jupyter Notebooks in Visual Studio Code. Tabnine's autocompletion now understands the entire notebook file, not just the specific cell. This means you get smarter, more context-aware suggestions based on the work you've already done. Keeping track of your entire project helps you code faster and more accurately by providing an intuitive and efficient coding experience.

Expanded support for additional client setups

We're excited to announce expanded support for more client setups:

  • Extended support for routing issues, including advanced proxy configurations and improved handling of certificates (VS Code and JetBrains)

  • An option to sign in with an authentication token, supporting login for various IDE setups such as Remote SSH, Docker, or WSL (VS Code and JetBrains)

Enhancements to code completion behavior

  • Enhanced code completion suggestions in VS Code by considering context from nearby files (private installation)

  • A Snooze button that temporarily disables code suggestions in JetBrains and Visual Studio Code

Last updated